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Mrs.Huang (Guangxi)

​西雅圖 Seattle


I have been working in maternal and infant care since 2005. I studied infant care courses at a nursing school in Los Angeles, USA, and worked for several years at a postpartum care center in Taiwan, accumulating extensive experience in maternal and infant care. I have cared for premature infants, twins, and infants after circumcision, and I am experienced in umbilical cord care, baby bathing, and infant massage. My responsibilities include providing complete daily care for babies, preventing and managing common infant illnesses, organizing baby items, and fostering healthy eating and sleeping habits. Additionally, I assist postpartum mothers with lactation and breast care, balance their qi and blood, and nourish their bodies. I maintain excellent communication with mothers, provide emotional support and encouragement, and help build confidence in breastfeeding.

Mrs.Yang (Guangxi/Guangdong)

​西雅圖 Seattle

我一直從事母嬰護理工作已經有十五年了,曾在廣西、廣東、北京等十幾個城市做到府月嫂服務,並多次被評為優秀月嫂。在護理產婦及寶寶方面很有經驗,護理過有一百多位寶寶。照顧產婦方面:剖宮產、順產的月子飲食、產後恢復、催乳,幫助媽媽排惡露、補血、營養配餐、會做台式粵式催乳湯、教會媽媽產後保健操 等。照顧寶寶方面:做到全天 24 小時護理,對新生兒1⼀7天生理性黃疸的護理、撫觸操、預防紅屁股、濕疹、包皮護理等都很專業。

I have been working in maternal and infant care for fifteen years. I have provided in-home postpartum care services in more than ten cities, including Guangxi, Guangdong, and Beijing, and have been recognized as an outstanding postpartum caregiver multiple times. I have extensive experience in caring for both mothers and babies and have cared for over a hundred babies. Regarding the care of postpartum mothers, I am experienced in managing postpartum diets for both cesarean and vaginal deliveries, postpartum recovery, lactation support, assisting mothers in managing lochia, blood replenishment, nutrition planning, and preparing Taiwanese and Cantonese-style lactation soups. I also provide guidance on postpartum exercises. In terms of baby care, I provide round-the-clock 24-hour care, specialize in the care of physiological jaundice in newborns from days 1 to 7, offer infant massage, and prevent common baby issues like diaper rash, eczema, and circumcision care.

Mrs.Wang (Dalian)

​西雅圖 Seattle


I have been working as a postpartum caregiver in the United States for nearly six years. During this time, I have provided postpartum care services in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle, and other cities, and I am familiar with the maternal and infant care processes in the United States. I specialize in providing 24-hour professional care for babies, including daily feeding and hygiene. I am responsible for caring for the baby's umbilical cord, managing jaundice, post-circumcision care, eczema care, and preventing common issues like diaper rash and thrush. I also give the baby a daily bath, provide infant massage, perform exercises to help with gas relief, and establish a healthy sleep schedule. Additionally, I keep detailed records of the baby's milk intake, body temperature, bowel movements, as well as monitor their development and any signs of discomfort.

Mrs.Wang (Shanxi)

​西雅圖 Seattle

我在西安安琪兒婦產醫院工作過,在該院工作期間,被評為三星月嫂。善於處理新生兒各種常見症狀,如黃疸、肚臍護理,各種疹子、紅臀護理。能根據實際情況調整新生兒作息時間,讓寶寶養成良好作息。擅長新生兒聽力、視力、抬頭的早期訓練。對產後寶媽的乳房護理,開奶,急性乳腺炎有專業的處理方法。擅長惡露的觀察,傷口的護 理。不但對產後寶媽進行心理疏導,還能指導寶媽正確的育兒理念,健康的飲食,促進產後形體的恢復。

I have worked at the Angel Maternity Hospital in Xi'an, and during my tenure there, I was recognized as a three-star postpartum caregiver. I am skilled in handling common symptoms in newborns such as jaundice, umbilical cord care, various types of rashes, and diaper rash care. I can adjust the newborn's daily routine based on their specific needs, helping them establish healthy sleep patterns. I excel in providing early training for newborns in areas like hearing, vision, and lifting their heads. In terms of postpartum care for mothers, I have expertise in breast care, milk production, and the management of acute mastitis. I am adept at monitoring lochia discharge and wound care. In addition to providing psychological support for new mothers, I can also guide them with the right parenting principles, healthy nutrition, and postpartum physical recovery.

Mrs.Tan (Guangxi)

​西雅圖 Seattle

本人性格好,為人細心,善於溝通,喜歡寶寶,有耐心,不論對寶寶還是寶媽都能做到精心照料。服務過的寶媽均對我贊不絕口,得到了很高的評價。2014年來美至今,一直從事母嬰護理的工作。照顧過代孕寶寶、早產寶寶、雙胞胎等,擅長給寶寶撫觸按摩,熟練處理寶寶的濕疹、紅屁股、黃疸等常見新生兒情況; 也能對寶寶常見不適,如腸絞痛、腸脹氣進行護理。對男寶寶割包皮術後護理也很專業。會唱兒歌、 早教互動,幫助培養寶寶良好的生活習慣。

I have a good personality, am attentive, and excel in communication. I have a deep affection for babies, possess patience, and can provide meticulous care to both babies and new mothers. The mothers I have served have all praised my services, giving me high ratings. I have been working in maternal and child care since coming to the United States in 2014. I have experience caring for surrogate babies, premature babies, twins, and more. I am skilled in infant massage and can effectively handle common newborn conditions such as eczema, diaper rash, and jaundice. I can also provide care for common discomforts in babies, such as colic and gas. I am specialized in post-circumcision care for male infants. I can sing children's songs, engage in early education activities, and help cultivate good habits in babies.

Mrs.Peng (Guangdong)

​西雅圖 Seattle

我有豐富照顧產婦及新生兒的工作經驗。我會觀察及護理寶寶的臍帶,對寶寶常見的濕疹、紅屁股、黃疸等新生兒常見情況駕輕就熟; 也能對寶寶常見不適,如腸絞痛、腸脹氣進行護理。日常我會給寶寶曬太陽、撫觸和洗澡,跟寶寶做早教互動,幫助寶寶養成良好的生活習慣。對寶媽的照顧,我會給寶媽提供完善的月子護理, 包括薑水擦身、艾葉水洗頭泡腳,在飲食上遵循月子餐清、補、調的原則,根據寶媽產後身體狀況進行月子餐的製作。

I have extensive experience in caring for expectant mothers and newborns. I am skilled at observing and caring for the baby's umbilical cord and am very familiar with common conditions in newborns such as diaper rash, eczema, and jaundice. I can also provide care for common baby discomforts like colic and gas. In daily routines, I ensure that the baby gets sunlight exposure, receive gentle massages, and take baths. I engage in early education activities with the baby, helping them develop good habits. When it comes to taking care of new mothers, I provide comprehensive postpartum care. This includes ginger water body rubs, ai ye (mugwort) water hair washing, and foot soaking. I follow the principles of "qing, bu, tiao" (clearing, supplementing, and regulating) in preparing postpartum meals, tailoring them to the specific needs of the new mother based on her postpartum condition.

Mrs.Liu (Sichuan/Guangdong)

​西雅圖 Seattle


I am Linlin. I have been working as a maternity nanny and childcare nanny since 1999. In 2013, I obtained advanced maternity nanny and lactation consultant certificates. I have experience caring for babies from birth to preschool age, and I have served families in various countries, including Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, France, and more.  I have extensive experience in maternity and childcare, including caring for premature babies and twins. I am skilled at handling common newborn issues such as jaundice, eczema, colic, and gas. In terms of caring for new mothers, I believe in combining traditional and scientific approaches, focusing on the details of postpartum recovery and promoting breastfeeding as early as possible. I specialize in Cantonese-style postpartum meals, emphasizing a light and nutritious diet.

Mrs.Ling (Taiwan)

​西雅圖 Seattle


I am from Taipei, and I have professional training in maternity and baby care, with 6 years of experience working as a maternity nanny. I have been in the United States for 3 years, providing in-home maternity nanny services. I am familiar with the newborn care process in the United States and have excellent experience in addressing common issues such as newborn jaundice, infant gas, diarrhea, umbilical cord care, eczema, and diaper rash. In terms of taking care of new mothers, I assist with their daily activities, help promote breastfeeding, support postpartum uterine recovery and wound healing, and aid in postpartum physical and body shape recovery. I specialize in Taiwanese-style postpartum meals, and I am proficient in preparing both northern and southern Chinese cuisine, as well as various nourishing soups to promote overall well-being and balance.

Mrs.Liu (Taiwan)

​西雅圖 Seattle

我是廖阿姨,做月嫂育嬰工作已經10多年。2000年護校畢業,成為一名執證護士,在醫院工作多年。并於2013 年學習產後照護服務專業取得合格證書,至今擁有將近8年多的母嬰護理經驗。 目前在美國也是從事新生兒月子服務工作。熟悉新生兒護理流程,服務過來自不同地區的新生兒家庭。我的護士專業可以讓我沒有任何障礙的護理早產寶寶、黃疸寶寶和⼀些寶寶的術後康復。月子中我會照顧產婦產褥期的產後恢復,以及營養月子膳食調理身體。

I am Mrs.Liao, and I have been working in the field of postpartum and infant care for over 10 years. I graduated from nursing school in 2000 and became a certified nurse, working in hospitals for many years. In 2013, I studied and obtained a qualified certificate in postpartum care services, and I have nearly 8 years of experience in maternal and infant care. Currently, I am also working as a postpartum specialist in the United States. I am familiar with the newborn care process and have served families with newborns from different regions. My nursing background allows me to provide seamless care for premature babies, jaundiced babies, and babies recovering from surgery. During the postpartum period, I provide comprehensive care to mothers, assisting them in recovering from childbirth and offering nutrition-rich postpartum meals to support their physical well-being.

Mrs.Li (Shanxi)

​西雅圖 Seattle

從事月嫂、育嬰師工作已近10年,曾在台灣月子中心工作3年,積累了非常豐富的育兒經驗。月子服務內容包括三餐兩點,營養葷素搭配,催乳下奶,同時配合台式月子藥膳,廣東燉湯,幫助孕媽媽產後恢復。產婦護理主要是產後傷口護理,子宮恢復,開奶乳腺疏通,指導母乳喂養,前兩週會給 寶媽提供薑水擦身,泡腳服務,促進血液循環,加速恢復。 24小時看護寶寶, 負責寶寶的餵養和照護,給寶寶洗澡按摩,做撫觸,做排氣操。

I've been working as a maternity nurse and childcare specialist for nearly 10 years, including 3 years at a maternity center in Taiwan. I've gained extensive experience in childcare. My maternity services include providing three meals and two snacks, balanced with nutritious ingredients, helping with lactation, and using Taiwanese postpartum herbal cuisine and Cantonese soups to aid postpartum recovery for mothers. In terms of maternal care, I primarily focus on postpartum wound care, uterine recovery, lactation support, and guidance on breastfeeding. In the first two weeks, I provide ginger water rubs and foot soaking services to promote blood circulation and accelerate recovery. I also offer 24-hour care for babies, including feeding, bathing, massaging, comforting, and assisting with gas relief exercises.

Mrs.Li (Henan)

​西雅圖 Seattle

我從事月嫂工作近20年,具有豐富的母嬰護理經驗,帶過大、小寶寶⼀百來個,有的孩子從生帶到半歲,其中一個寶寶從出生帶到了4歲。不管是足月還是早產兒,順產和剖腹產寶媽,我都應對自如。在照顧寶寶上,我對孩子的護理、按摩和輔食都擅長。新生兒實行24小時呵護,包括吃奶、拍嗝、哄睡、清潔衣物、消毒奶瓶等,負責給寶寶洗澡、撫觸按摩、 做被動操。觀察寶寶的黃疸,遵照醫囑進行輔助治療,能對寶寶紅臀、 濕疹進行預防。

I have been working as a maternity matron for nearly 20 years and have extensive experience in mother and baby care. I have taken care of over a hundred babies, some of whom I cared for from birth until they were six months old, and one baby I cared for until they were four years old. Whether they were full-term or premature babies, born through natural delivery or C-section, I have handled them all with ease. In terms of baby care, I am proficient in providing care, massages, and introducing complementary foods. I provide round-the-clock care for newborns, including feeding, burping, soothing to sleep, cleaning clothes, sterilizing bottles, and more. I am responsible for bathing the baby, providing gentle massages, and doing passive exercises. I closely monitor the baby for jaundice and follow medical instructions for any necessary treatment. I am also skilled at preventing diaper rash and eczema in babies.

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